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Academic CV


PhD, Geosciences, Boise State University (BSU), Boise, ID.

"When Good Volcanoes Go Bad"

Department of Geosciences

Research interests: volcanology, geochemistry, geostatistics, melt inclusions, petrology

M.S. Geology, Oregon State University (OSU), Corvallis, OR. 

M.S. Thesis: Deciphering magma dynamics prior to the May 2016 eruption at Sinabung Volcano

B.S. Geophysics with Mathematics, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. 

Senior Thesis: Lava Flows and Yardangs: Evidence for Past Ground Ice on Mars

Expected 05/2024



Awards and


Geosciences Graduate Student Conference Travel Grant: 2022 (BSU)

ASBSU Travel Grant: 2022 (BSU)

Will and Rose Burnham Research Grant: 2021 (BSU)

William Taubeneck Fellowship: 2016-2019 (OSU)

GSC Travel Grant Award: F2017, W2018, Sp2019 (OSU)

Jack Kleinman Grant for Volcano Research: 2018 (USGS)

Lipman Research Award: 2017 (GSA)

NASA Space Grant: 2016 (UA)


Graduate Teaching Assistant (BSU)

Instructed undergraduate-level geology courses that ranged from large-enrollment general education classes to major-required courses. Deliver lectures for both major required and general education courses when needed.

Graduate Research Assistant (BSU)

Sample preparation of olivine crystals separated from Llaima Volcano’s Curacautin ignimbrites for volatile content analyses. Olivine-hosted melt inclusion samples are doubly polished for Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) analyses. FTIR analyses conducted at Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History (NMNH) on Nicolet 6700 Analytical FT-IR Spectrometer. Electron Microprobe chemical analyses of melt inclusion glass, hosted minerals, and glass chips.

Field Work (Llaima Volcano, Chile)

International travel accompanied by three fellow graduate students and several US and international collaborators. Field excursion began with a five-day exploration of the volcano filled with collaborative scientific discussions. A thorough stratigraphic sampling of three extensive outcrops of massive, mafic ignimbrites supplemented with a sampling of a fourth smaller outcrop and collection at newly discovered exposures.

Field Work (Sumatra, Indonesia)

Thorough sample collection of eruptive deposits at Sinabung Volcano prior to the reawakening of activity in 2010. International travel accompanied by an undergraduate field assistant and Indonesian colleagues. Arranged funding, air travel, local accommodation and travel, and sample collection.

Mineral Separation Lab Manager (OSU)

Mineral separation laboratory contains equipment and materials for prepping for and performing magnetic and chemical separation of rock samples. Monitor usage and maintenance of the equipment and lab. Liaise with OSU Health and Environmental Safety department to keep the lab up to code. Coordinate and perform hands-on training with Frantz and heavy liquids for separation for both faculty/staff and students within the CEOAS, as well as visitors from other universities. Supervise undergraduate

Graduate Research Assistant (OSU)

Sample preparation of volcanic rocks for chemical and textural characterization of deposits produced by the May 2016 collapse of the Sinabung Volcano lava dome to understand the relationship and differences between main erupted lava and black inclusions. Electron Microprobe chemical analyses of mineral phases in lava dome samples to understand magma dynamics and storage conditions prior to extrusion of the lava dome. SEM imaging of volcanic ash grains produced by Sinabung Volcano since 2016 to characterize variations in explosive activity. SIMS analysis of outer rims of zircons separated from samples of post-YTT lava domes and Sinabung lava dome to understand the timing of the last period of zircon crystallization prior to eruption.


Graduate Teaching Assistant (OSU)

Instructed undergraduate level geology courses that ranged from large-enrollment general education classes (Introduction to Geology: The Solid Earth) to major required courses (all three Earth Materials Series: Mineralogy, Petrology, and Petrography). Delivered lectures for both major required and general education courses when needed.

2022 - Present

2019 - Present

January 2020

Summer 2018

2017 - 2019

2016 - 2019

2016 - 2019


Marshall, A., Brand, B., Martinez, V., Bowers, J., et al., 2021The mafic

Curacautín ignimbrite of Llaima volcano, Chile. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research.

Submitted or In Prep

Bowers, J., Schwartz, D., Wanless, V. D., in prep, Hidden variability in pyroclastics

within a single sampling horizon.

Bowers, J., Schwartz, D., Wanless, V. D., in prep, Geochemistry of the Curacautin

ignimbrite of Llaima volcano, Chile: Evidence for mantle processes and magma dynamics. 

Bowers, J., et al., submitted, Petrological Forensics at Sinabung Volcano, Sumatra,

Indonesia: Evidence for polybaric crystal reaming and vertically extensive crystal mush in the May 16th, 2016, dome collapse. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research.

Bowers et al., 2023, Role Of Small-Scale Geochemical Variability In Understanding

Magma Evolution And Eruption Dynamics, Paper Number 1418 accepted for Oral presentation at 2023 Scientific Assembly, IAVCEI, 30 Jan - 03 Feb.

Bowers et al., 2022, How important is small-scale geochemical variability to

constraining sources and processes?, Abstract V52C-0019 presented at 2022 Fall Meeting, AGU, Chicago, IL, 12-16 Dec.

Bowers et al., 2022, How important is small-scale geochemical variability to

constraining sources and processes?, SZ4D Community Meeting, NSF-funded, Houston, TX, 13-16 Nov.

Bowers et al., 2022, Volatiles and the Curacautín Magma: Excess volatiles influence on

explosive mafic eruption, Volatiles from Source to Surface, A GeoPRISMS Workshop, NSF-funded, Bozeman, MT, 23-26 May.

Bowers et al., 2021, Elucidating geochemical heterogeneity and evolution of the

explosively erupted Curacautín magma, Llaima volcano, Chile, Abstract V35C-0143 presented at 2021 Fall Meeting, AGU, New Orleans, LA, 13-17 Dec.

Bowers et al., 2020, Petrological Forensics of the Curacautin Magma(s), Abstract

V004-0016 presented at 2020 Fall Meeting, AGU, Virtual, 1-17 Dec.

Bowers et al., 2019, Petrological Forensics of the Mount Sinabung, Sumatra, Indonesia

Magma Reservoir prior to May 2016 Dome Collapse, Geological Society of America Cordilleran Section Meeting Abstracts with Programs. Submitted for Oral


Bowers et al., 2018, Volcanic Forensics: Magma mingling during 2013 to present

eruptions of Sinabung Volcano, Sumatra, Volcanology Students of Oregon; Oregon State University. Corvallis (OR); Abstract. Oral.


Bowers et al., 2017, Petrological forensics of magma mingling during 2013 to present

eruptions of Sinabung Volcano, Sumatra, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 49, No. 6. Poster


Bowers et al., 2017, Understanding the resurgence and restlessness at calderas:

insights from climatic and post-climatic eruptive compositions with particular reference to Toba Caldera, IAVCEI Scientific Assembly, Abstract MT23B-024. Poster.


Bowers, J., 2016, Lava Flows and Yardangs on Mars, Statewide NASA Space Grant

Symposium; University of Arizona. Tucson (AZ): NASA SGC. Presentation G-3. Abstract. Oral.


Invited Talks

Petrological Forensics at Mount Sinabung, Sumatra, Indonesia – Cascade Volcano Observatory



Petrogenesis of the Curacautín Ignimbrites: Mantle Sources and effects of crustal passage on the explosivity of the Curacautín ignimbrites Dissertation Proposal

Lava Domes: Conditions, Mechanisms, and Deposits – VIPER Winter Seminar Series (Volcanic Deposits)


Volcanic Forensics: Magma mingling during the 2013 to present eruptions of Sinabung Volcano, Sumatra – Winter Student Seminar Series


ANALYTICAL: Mineral separation techniques | Electron MicroProbe Analyzer | Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry | Scanning Electron Microscopy | X-Ray Fluorescence | Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Mass Spectrometry | Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy | Doubly polishing melt inclusions | Rock Dissolution | Solution Inductively Coupled Mass Spectrometry |


TECHNICAL: RStudio| Linux | ArcGIS | Magma Chamber Simulator (MCS) Modeling | MELTS Modeling | Isoplot | Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop | standard Microsoft Office Suite|


SCIENCE COMMUNICATION: synthesized and distilled presentations of research to a variety of audiences | social media | two-way engagement | cultural cognition and trust | storytelling | science-advocacy spectrum | journalist interviews |







Historical Geology (2019)


Physical Geology (2022)

Earth Materials III: Petrography (2017)

Earth Materials II: Petrology (2017, 2018, 2019)

Earth Materials I: Mineralogy (2018)

Living with Active Cascade Volcanoes (2017, 2018)

Introduction to Earth Science: Solid Earth (2016, 2017)


"Geologic Structures" – Physical Geology

“Mt. St. Helens (1979 – 1980)” – Living with Active Cascade Volcanoes

“Monitoring Volcanoes” – Living with Active Cascade Volcanoes

“IUGS classification of mafic igneous rocks: Peridotites and partial melting” – Petrography


SZ4D Community Meeting, Scientific meeting, NSF-funded, Houston, TX (Nov 13-16, 2022)

Community Network for Eruption Response (CONVERSE), In-person workshop, NSF-funded, Albuquerque, NM (Aug 8-11, 2022)

Volatiles from Source to Surface, A GeoPRISMS Workshop, NSF-funded, Bozeman, MT (May 23-26, 2022)

Diffusion Modeling, Goldschmidt 2020 post-meeting workshop, Virtual (June 29-30, 2020)

A two-day workshop covering the underlying principles, analytical and numerical techniques, and uncertainties in applying diffusion modeling to magmatic and metamorphic systems. Covered basic background through a series of short talks, but mostly, emphasized gaining practical coding skills to start own diffusion models using Excel® and trying out more sophisticated programming tools like Matlab®. Several exercises encompassing analytical solutions and numerical finite differencing in 1D (and potentially 2D), all grounded in real case studies. Discussion of uncertainties, potential pitfalls, unsolved diffusion mysteries, and areas that we as a community can help improve on in the years to come.

Funding, Goldschmidt 2020 workshop, Virtual (June 25, 2020)

Funding is what makes the research world work, yet many of us frequently fail to get it. Heard from and met with members of the world's leading science funding agencies, such as NSF, GNS, and JST. Learned what makes or breaks a proposal, and got the inside scoop on the selection process. A panel-based discussion and followed up by interaction directly with each of the panelists in small groups.

Student Engagement in Higher Education, Goldschmidt 2020 workshop, Virtual (June 23, 2020)

Student engagement (SE) is what a student brings to Higher Education in terms of goals, aspirations, and values and how these are shaped by their experience as students. This workshop is designed to provide guidance and strategies for students and academic staff wishing to initiate, sustain, or extend student-staff partnerships. The aims of the workshop are threefold, i) explore the ways in which students act as partners in learning and teaching, ii) identify strategic and sustainable practices of engaging students as partners, iii) discuss the risks and challenges inherent to partnership and find suggestions for addressing them.

Earth Science Meets Data Science, Goldschmidt 2020 pre-meeting workshop, Virtual (June 22, 2020)

alphaMELTS, American Geophysical Union pre-meeting workshop, Washington, DC (December 8-9, 2018)

Introduction to underlying thermodynamics, an illustration of the capabilities and potential applications of individual MELTS-type models and firsthand experience running different MELTS programs and tools.


Magma Chamber Simulator (MCS), Geological Society of America pre-meeting workshop, Seattle, WA (October 20-21, 2017)

Hands on experience and familiarization of running the MCS (inputs, steps to run code) and effective utilization of the output. Gained an understanding of how to utilize recharge assimilation fractional crystallization (RAFC) model by modeling various scenarios (e.g. assimilation fractional crystallization (AFC) and recharge fractional crystallization (RFC)).

Navigating the Publication Process as an Early Career Researcher, IAVCEI Scientific Assembly pre-meeting workshop, Portland, OR (August 13, 2017).

Exploration of the publishing process. Special topics covered include how to put ideas into a coherent form, make your science “pop”, and being a constructive reviewer.


Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS), NSF-supported SIMS facility annual workshop

University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA (February 27-March 3, 2017)

Introduced to practical applications of the SIMS analytical technique while receiving hands-on experience preparing samples, using the SEM, SIMS 1270 and 1290, and performing data reduction.


Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ (January 4-6, 2017)

Introduced to the theory, both physics, and mechanics, behind the SIMS technique (e.g. transportation of ions and fundamentals of sputtering), as well as data reduction and analysis. Gained hands-on experience preparing samples and using the Cameca 6f and nanoSIMS.


Early Career Workshop co-convener, SZ4D Community Meeting, 2022

Organizing Committee, SZ4D Community Meeting, 2022

Executive Committee Member, Subduction Zones for Graduate Students and Graduates (SZ4Grads) in conjunction with SZ4D, 2022 present

Student Travel Awards Co-chair, Graduate Student Committee (OSU), 2016 – 2019

Approve applications each term for monetary support for travel to conferences and workshops meant for professional advancement for graduate students in CEOAS.


Faculty and Staff Awards Chair, Graduate Student Committee (OSU), 2016 – 2019

Review nominations and grant specialized awards to honor faculty for excellence in teaching and mentoring based on nominations, as well as outstanding research personnel and classified employees.


Web Admin, Volcano World (OSU), 2016 – 2019

Review and update content published to VolcanoWorld, answer volcano-related questions received to the listserv, and communicate with the public through social media updates. Participate in volcano education through outreach both in the classroom and the general public.


Graduate Mentor, Academic Mentoring Program (OSU), 2017 – 2018

Provide a low-stake and stress-free environment for an undergraduate interested in graduate school to have questions ranging from the application process to finding a project or advisor to what is like in graduate school. Provide advice or recommendations for navigating graduate school both before and after admittance.


Outreach Coordinator, Society of Earth Science Students (UA), 2012 – 2016

Organize and participate in opportunities to communicate earth sciences to the general public with activities ranging from talking to classrooms to activity booths in the annual Tucson Gem and Mineral Show Junior Education Area.

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